Group Exhibition, Embodied Porridge, 2023

“This exhibition is a survey of work developed by third-year Sculpture and Expanded Practice students at QCA Griffith over 2022. Unified by a shared university class and studio space, the group contains a stirring diversity of artistic approaches and lived experiences. Nevertheless, a year spent in collaborative studio practice has created an unlikely coagulation, a sort of creative Porridge.” Joseph Botica
14 - 29 April 2023

Artists involved: Jopseph Botica, Seren Wagstaff, Shannen Pipe, Maya Peters, Geoff Moule, Kirralee Robinson, Emma Gow, Jack Bingham, Gabrielle Kelly, Ryan Sturton, David M Thomas.

I wanted to make a work for this show that responded to Joseph Botica’s comment in class, that I “hold space for material”. This helped me to establish some parameters; I was going to visit the QCA campus and the first piece of (hygienic looking) rubbish I found would be collected and then mounted onto brass.

"The construction of a special storage support and container is always an important element in the conservation process. It provides a strong visual cue, emphasizing to the curator or owner how valuable the object is and indicating the need to care for the object. Only through using the specifically shaped storage support and container will the object be stored 'in the approved manner'. If it is more difficult or awkward to store the object in other ways, the simple correct method will be used." Caple, C. (2012) Conservation Skills : Judgement, Method and Decision Making. Taylor and Francis. Available at: 

energy pulses,

ritualised waste protocols

taking out the trash as a romantic act of love

a daily ritual

- By David M Thomas -